New winds and sunny views: Solet Suomi Oy website project

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New winds and sunny views: Solet Suomi Oy website project

We are excited to present our latest website project, which we implemented for Solet Suomi Oy. This project was particularly interesting and versatile, because Solet Suomi Oy is an expert in the solar panel industry, which has just expanded its operations from Lithuania to Denmark and now also to Finland. This expansion meant the need for new, local websites that meet the needs and expectations of the Finnish market. In this blog post, we open up the details of the project and tell how we built a new, modern and efficient website for Solet Suomi Oy at .

The project began with careful planning

Every successful website project starts with careful planning. In the case of Solet Suomi Oy, we first had to understand the company's values, goals and target group. Solet Suomi Oy focuses on providing high-quality solar panel solutions, and their customer base consists of both individuals and companies looking for reliable and sustainable energy solutions.

During the planning phase, we took into account the special features of the Finnish market. Finns value clarity, transparency and reliability, and these values ​​had to be reflected on the website as well. In addition, for a technical product like solar panels, it was important to provide detailed and informative content so that potential customers could make informed purchasing decisions.

Translation work and localization

One of the biggest aspects of the project was the translation work. Solet Suomi Oy's website was originally aimed at the Lithuanian market, so we had to translate all the content into Finnish. The translation work was not only a straightforward translation of the texts, but also included cultural localization.

In localization, we made sure that all content resonated with the Finnish audience. For example, local references, Customer Stories and usage examples were added to the pages so that Finnish customers can relate to them better. At the same time, we made sure that the technical terms and the special features of the solar panels were presented clearly and comprehensibly.

Editing pages for the Finnish market

The Finnish market is of special quality, and this is also reflected in the usability and appearance of the websites. We made several changes to the original pages to better meet the needs of Finnish customers. This meant, for example, clearer navigation, customer service in Finnish and local contact information.

Finns also appreciate visually pleasing and easy-to-use websites. That's why we put a lot of effort into updating the look of the site. We used a modern and minimalist design that emphasizes Solet Suomi Oy's innovative and environmentally friendly image. The visual material was updated to reflect the Finnish landscape and architecture, which makes the site immediately recognizable to Finnish users.

Advanced SEO design

Last but not least, advanced SEO planning was an integral part of the project. We want to make sure that Solet Suomi Oy's website is easily found in search engines and that it reaches as large an audience as possible.

In SEO planning, we focused especially on local search engine optimization. We used keywords that are particularly relevant to Finnish customers interested in solar panels. We also made sure that the site loads quickly and is mobile friendly, as more and more users browse the web on mobile devices.

In optimizing the content, we used long-tail keywords and extended meta descriptions, which help improve the site's visibility in search results. We also created high-quality and informative blog content, which not only improves SEO results, but also provides valuable information to customers about the benefits and use of solar panels.


The project with Solet Suomi Oy was very rewarding and educational. The design and implementation of websites required versatile expertise, translation work, localization, usability research and advanced SEO planning. The end result was a modern, informative and attractive website that serves Solet Suomi Oy's customers in Finland excellently.

We are proud of our cooperation with Solet Suomi Oy and we hope that the new website will help the company to succeed even better in the Finnish market. Visit the pages at and give us feedback - we want to constantly improve our services and offer the best possible user experience.

Sunny summer and success to all our customers and partners!

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We are really satisfied with the Digiaalto team's help with the Finnish translation and updating the content of the website to suit the Finnish market.

Solet Suomi Oy


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